Wednesday, January 23, 2013


This year, I want to learn more about different techniques to improve my photos, including photomanipulation and post-processing techniques.  Of course, I still have a lot to learn in general, and I will continue to work on improving my compositions and making my photos count, but I am very interested in how I can improve them after I take the photo as well.  Photomanipulations have always been really interesting to me, and it would be great to learn how to add filters and adjust colors more effectively after I've already taken a photograph.  I've seen some great pictures in which people combine photography with painting, and that is something I'd love to explore as I continue with photography.

I'm also really interested in videography and cinematography.  Ever since I started taking photo, I've begun to notice how filmmakers choose to show a scene and how beautiful videography can be.  I've like to learn how to take what I've learned in photo and apply it to videos as well.  It would be really interesting to see what different decisions one would make compositionally when making a video compared to a photo, and I'd like to experiment with it.

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